Tuesday, February 24, 2015


A poet's dream,
when it acquires the pallor
of love,
is like a stale pond
with lotuses and creaks
and accidental ripples;
a pool that is a Universe
frozen in time.

If you touch it with a brush,
it will hurt.
This picture cannot contain
anything more.

A poet's dream,
when it gathers dust,
is like love
locked up in a heart
that is an old guitar;
the strings, in their stillness,
playing nothing.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Of the Corner

Have you ever burned a paper
by writing my name in a corner,
turning me into an edge
that eats anything but itself?

A door has bitten into half
the halo that is sunlight
and now the room is left burning;
it began from a corner.

To live a deserted bench
in the bald gardens of my mind
is a gift, I'd only give to you.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Marrying Depravity

What induced me into
marrying his depravity-
his lust for shapes,
his wantonness,
that appetite for words,
and that need for forgetting?

He is revered
by lambs and wolves
for he is the agile tiger,
he is life
and its rawness;
he is the bone by the bank.

I asked him about the moon
and he turned to his glass,
"Gold", he said,
"I want to forget."

Dawn is a Biscuit

Dawn is a biscuit
dipped into your liquid dream;
I taste it through you.

Ode to his Perfect Masculinity

His eyes branded me with a golden glance-
I burned with desire; I became a fire,
fated to perform the eternal dance-
that reaching for love, that soaring higher.

His lip was a rivulet lost in me,
and I found my soul at the water's edge.
His fingers that played me a melody;
I was but turned into a timeless pledge.

His arms that blossomed around my heart;
I was sculpted anew- a perfection.
His feet that drew me a work of art-
I journeyed a shadow sans a question.

I say to myself that I know a man
who has worshipped me like no one can.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


This evening that I spent in your heart
curtaining it with my eyelashes, black;
swallowing light and repainting the shack
with nothing but the wan darkness of art-
recall the night that I spent in your mind
adorning it with a poem that didn't lie,
recall my nakedness and you will find
that I did not lie when I said I'd die.

Because I gave away my truth one night
and lost the prize of my virginity,
because I stripped you off with all my might,
because I touched you with insanity-
just say to yourself, admit what is right:
that you were loved beyond infinity.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Bird Must Die

am a desperate sky,
...caught in a mad flutter
of wings...

...the bird must die.

Heavy chirp-
it shoots at me a sigh;
it tears me and I,
...caught in the mad flutter,
I cry-

the bird must die.

Purple beak-
it nibbles at me.
I live in an eye...

...a bird contains the sky?

The bird must die.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

To Paradise

I walk to the shores
of these eyes of yours
and contemplate

if I may, behind these doors-
these eyes of yours,
for me a paradise.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


He has us in bars -
pebbles for people;
two and two make four.

God counts. Life,
is his abacus.

And us, nothing more
than being meat
for meaningless additions.

into this vile math,
we are for sure,

pebbles, marbles, stones and stars.