Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Let Us Autumn

Let us autumn -
shapely ripples, you and I -
let us pour upon our dreams
a callous tenderness -
life to our feet,
this deadness of leaves -
let us unearth sounds
that could mean poetry?

A wildfire, aren't we
a million untouched logs of gold -
wither, let us woe -
slip like streams, tow
our defined running into

Autumn, let us,
into the nude mirrors,
hurt the starkness
with our seething blurs
of gold.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Winter Exists

Winter exists, a mole
upon your beauty -
you, who are slipped upon
by sensuality
are the soul
of a naive poem -

they want you here,
they need you there -
faith handed out
as your unsmiling limbs
attempt to rhyme.

And the world dares
to impede the mole;
obliterate it.

Chime to the time,
when you,
give yourself away to the dance -
let the mole
travel within you.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Beyond My Pounding Heart

A sepia cloud, a shapeless sound -
beyond my pounding heart
is the loud 
life of love.

I dare not open the scroll,
this length that unfolds my impotence -
I continue to perceive shivers
from the beyond that is love.
My arms inundate a chest –
A cold melody like the moon,
I attempt a spread beyond you.
Why am I still not enough?

...beyond my pounding heart
is the loud life of love.