Friday, December 25, 2015

Deprived Arms

What convinced
this supple face of a moon
into marrying a cripple,
the night?

Maybe Black was pious
and all that White needed
was to trip into a love
that let it palpitate
a heart within a cage?

Maybe that which is less
is the true infinity,
replete with depleting dots -
a revelation
that frees.

Endless darkness,
is perhaps, light in essence?
Disability, a bestowal,
a power, in a sense?

Moons dangle
in leafless branches -
love is often found
in deprived arms.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Renouncing the Act

Juggling two eyes,
I humour the Universe,

I humour Time,

Struggling to rise,
Vision screams -

"Time is a tumour
blooming like a lie,
a tie on your eyes.

Rise, do not see,
do not be.

Life was the rumour
that killed you and yet
never killed you.

Joker- ace, Poker Face -
give up, give up the game!
Look, how Passion billed you,
built you.
Do not, do not build 'you'.

Rise, Ace -
give up, give up the struggle.
Juggle, if you may,
your two selves...
once and for all."