Sunday, September 22, 2013

There will be Time

                                                           Picture Courtesy: Google

“There will be time”, said he, eyeing his return
to reality from dreams yet unspent.
“There will be time”, sang he, “to burn and learn,
to descend infernal stairs and repent.”

“There will be time, there will be time to churn
the murky sea of thought and then relent
when the dividends are all mine to earn-
there will be time”, hissed he like a serpent.

“There will be time, yes, time to take the turn
to God's own chamber and beg with knees bent.
Won’t there be time for what I now adjourn,
enough time to say what I never meant?”

“No. There won’t be any time to undo”,
hummed his heart and he bled a tear or two.


  1. This is a true melody, loved it.

  2. what an anti climax.. that there shall be no time to undo... brilliant idea that becomes extraordinary when expressed in the form of sonnet... keep it up my dear... wish you all the best
