Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chasing Feathers

Since when have you been chasing feathers, heart?
I watch you tear hollow hoops, steer stages
into myths; I eye you vie for the dart
that is destined for circles and cages.

Here, I look at you from this higher plane -
a spectre unravelling Time's coarse snares;
I see you impel fires; dream, spin, spur rain.
What not have you been doing all these years!

Since when have you been evading weathers, heart?
I see you invent minutes, forget seconds;
I watch you tackle deaths, your births abort;
and I look at you target dead ends.

Be lead not by will, wisdom or your wings -
fall, but a prey to invisible winds.

1 comment:

  1. Your poems are as beautiful as you are....I'm admiring you stay blessed
