Friday, March 7, 2014

Much Ado About Nothing

I go to the flowers,
those that are on display
along footpaths in a garden,
a meaningless array
of frail necks in stupid frills.
Necks, just necks-
headless, spineless nothingness
toting the sun, the day;
stiff necks, droopy necks,
half loops of life
needled into going on.

They shan't be touched for they
are the grower's pick.
They may be lusted after, wanted
but they shan't be had.
They may be nibbled at
by their seers,
they may be shredded by the jeers
of the feet that pass them by.
They may be fucked like that
but they shan't be plucked.

So I go to them with this
forced upon my heart.
I go to them when they
are perhaps, aching to be away,
somewhere near the bank,
somewhere on the hills,
these necks in unreal frills.

I go to them and say,
"Hey, you aren't pretty."
Then I kiss them with a breath
and they sway.
"Haha! That's like it, darlings."

And then when I walk away,
I'm sorry they were
brought to bay.

Some are sown, some are sewn-
why must it be so?
"Never mind", pokes the sun
as it turns to go.

I unbutton the sky and lo!
I find them again, on its chest,
those shoots
that shan't be touched or plucked.
I find them in frills, tucked
into the night; sewn to the sky
while underneath my boots
pass them by.

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